Want to be a trivia host?

Think you've got what it takes to rock the mic right? Trivia Mafia is always on the lookout for great hosts.

Can you pronounce “archipelago,” engage a crowd, correct all comers, handle hecklers, and run a fun and inclusive event in a timely fashion? You just may have a future in the trivia business. You needn’t be good at trivia (we will give you all the answers), but experience in public speaking and/or performing for a crowd is a big plus. Our staff includes daytime teachers, zoologists, actors, engineers, and accountants, so you’ll probably fit in.

Trivia Mafia pays new hosts $18/hour for 2.8 hour shifts, and offers PTO/Sick-Safe Time, which accumulates every 28 hours worked (or, every ten shifts). We accept applications on a rolling basis and keep them on file for ~6-12 months. Email info@triviamafia.com with additional questions or to follow up on a previous application!

Please fill out the form below!